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Vermicomposting: The Future of Sustainable Agriculture and Organic Waste Management in Europe

Erasmus+ Programme KA2: Cooperation for Innovation and the Exchange of Good Practices in Vocational Education

Project Name:
Vermicomposting: The Future of Sustainable Agriculture and Organic Waste Management in Europe

Project Acronym:

Project Number:

Project Description

The PowerWorms project aims to study, research, and verify the production techniques and specifications of vermicomposting for safe, sustainable, nutritious and healthy food production.

The project develops online educational materials and holds training activities for farmers,producers, consumers, and sector professionals.

Target Group

The project empowers the new generation of farmers and VET educators with innovative skills in organic farming. The project is ultimately targeted at apprentices (from VET Schools and HEI) and other interested individuals with an agricultural background (end users). Persons actively develop training curricula, examination queries for agricultural vocations and VET providers in agriculture, training companies, and higher education institutions offering agricultural education are among the other target groups.
