Page 57 - İngilizce
P. 57
The results from the survey shows that the majority of the participants are interested in
participation in training on vermicomposting.
The respondents were also asked if they are familiar with any kind of Information and
Communication Technology (ICT) solutions for vermicomposting cultivation. The majority
of them were not familiar.
Only 6% of the respondents are familiar with Information and Communication Technology
(ICT) solutions for vermicomposting cultivation and several examples are given:
● Automation of the process itself through sensors for moisture of the material,
automatic moistening, automated addition of new material to the compost, execution
through a mobile application for the state in which the compost is located, etc.
● I took part in the Soil Food Web training
● We used sensors to monitor the temperature and moisture levels to optimise the
conditions for the worms and facilitate the decomposition process. Vermimeal and
Compostify are beneficial applications to connect with actors in the field. Users can