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PowerWorms Projects' 3rd Transnational Project Meeting was Held in Skopje, North Macedonia, on 30 September 2023.

We discussed the details of the "PowerWORMS Educational ToolBox Development (ETOD)" work package with the partners. The expectations of partners and stakeholders from the mobile application were expressed. Details about the architecture of the application were discussed. Details of the "Bio-composting and Vermicomposting Classroom - Manual & Guidelines for Educators" task, shaped by the educational requirement analysis, were negotiated.
The Bio-composting and Vermicomposting Classroom - Manual & Guidelines for Educators refers to the development of a practical application manual and guideline for VET school educators based on the input of the Educational Requirements Analysis and Specifications (IO2) that will include:
-Course catalogue and handbook (for Trainers and Trainees),
-Educational material, video lessons, learning activities, a virtual library,
-Assessment exams and certificate in all partner languages and English
The PowerWORMS Application Software refers to the development of intelligent innovative software for organization and control of bioclimatic operational parameters related to composting.

For more information, please visit;
The project is held in coordination with the Malatya Turgut Ozal Universitesi in partnership with; Kayisi Arastirma Enstitusu, Innopolis Centre for Innovation and Culture, Naturainnova Gida Tarim ve Ilac Ltd. Sti., Fondacija Agro Centar Za Edukacija FACE, ILA, WWOOF España, Innotomia P.C.