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The 4th Learning Training Teaching Activity of the Powerworms project was hosted by ILA on 13-17 Mays 2024 in Amsterdam, Netherlands.

The event started with the presentation of good practice examples in the Netherlands on the production and use of vermicompost by ILA representatives. Partners modeled stakeholder roles and potential contributions through the workshop. We attended the presentation about the Worm Hotel concept by Rowin Snijder, founder of Compostier- Worm Hotel, an important social responsibility project that operates on the transformation of organic waste in urban areas with the theme of sustainable environment. A study visit was made to Wageningen University, one of Europe's leading institutions in the field of sustainability. We talked to Dr Hellen JH Elissen, researcher at Wageningen University, about her research on vermicomposting and productivity and her research results. On the last day of the event, project partners visited Komeco Co, an organic fertilizer producer. Komeco's innovative approaches in the process of converting organic waste into an agricultural input product were examined by the Powerworms Consortium.