Page 4 - İngilizce
P. 4
This report is part of the IO2- WP02 PowerWORMS Educational Requirements Analysis
(ERA) from the project VERMICOMPOSTING: The Future of Sustainable Agriculture and
Organic Waste Management in Europe - POWERWORMS. The major aim of the status
analysis is to gain a comprehensive understanding of the present situation in the participating
This report is created based on the research conducted in the project countries in the period
from September 2022 until December 2022.
Increasing the agricultural production in parallel with the increase in the world population
causes the use of more inputs. Considering the population growth and the need for agricultural
production, the most intense input consumption will be in developing countries. Countries with
the potential to develop agriculture, such as Türkiye , are candidate countries to meet their
future food needs. Some of the negativities caused by the intensive use of chemical fertilizers,
which are at the beginning of the inputs used in agriculture, create hesitations in consumers.
Undesirable effects resulting from excessive and unplanned use of fertilizers highlight the
increase in controlled fertilizer consumption. It is possible to increase productivity without
using unconscious and intense inputs and without destroying nature and the environment.
Continuing studies and new methods on plant nutrition and fertilization show that healthy
agricultural products can be grown from soil to table.
In order to obtain more efficiency and to obtain quality and healthy products with a balanced
plant nutrition and fertilization, it is necessary to determine the fertilizer need correctly and to
monitor the information such as fertilizer type and amount, application method, application
frequency and time. Increasing the efficiency of fertilizer use will also play an important role
in meeting the plant nutrient requirement by reducing the risks. Measures to increase fertilizer
efficiency are important in terms of product and environment, as well as economically.
In order to obtain maximum benefit from fertilizers, it is necessary to use the right fertilizer in
the right plant, in the right place, at the right time, taking into account plant demands, climate,
soil structure and vegetation period. By applying the required type and amount of fertilizer; As
a result of excessive use of fertilizers, quality deterioration in yield, loss of productivity of
agricultural lands, negative effects on the environment, waste of resources, etc. problems will