Page 35 - İngilizce
P. 35

Not enough time

               For implementing some activities in regards to vermicomposting, in North Macedonia, the

               teachers/trainers usually cooperate with Agricultural centers, NGOs, Private companies and
               other Secondary schools. In Spain, they cooperate the most with Public bodies, then Private

               companies  and  NGOs  or  Universities.  In  Greece,  the  teachers  also  mostly  cooperate  with

               Agricultural  centers,  NGOs,  Private  companies,  Universities  and  other  Secondary  schools,
               however a great number from the respondents stated that there is no cooperation at all in regards

               to this topic. In Netherlands, they usually cooperate with Public bodies, Universities, Private
               companies and other entities.

               Great number of the teachers/trainers are not aware or familiar with any National Policies &

               Initiatives  which  are  aimed  to  promoting  the  concepts/benefits  of  vermicomposting  and

               fostering support in implementing vermicomposting in North Macedonia, Türkiye       and the
               Netherlands. However in Greece and Spain, great number are somewhat familiar.

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