Page 37 - İngilizce
P. 37

●  StadsWormerij helps farmers to develop their small-scale worm farms. They welcome

                      farmers in their compost yards and get acquainted with various compost systems.

                   ●  The Compostier enterprise in Diemen processes raw vegetable and fruit residues and
                      small garden waste into rich food for the soil, the worm compost. Rowin Snijder is the

                      founder of The Compostier and a pioneer in the local and circular processing of green
                      waste in cities. Since 2014 he has been working on solutions for processing GFT waste

                      using compost worms.

                   ●  De Vrije Boer in Zutphen is a biodynamic farm that uses vermicomposting to produce
                      compost  for  its  crops  and  also  sells  worms  and  vermicomposting  systems  to  other


               In Greece, only one responded replied positively and the example was an agricultural company
               producing organic fertilizers. In Spain the number is also small and only 26.7% were familiar

               with some positive examples. The examples given are: HumusFertil en La Roda, Albacete and

               farmers from their area.

               The respondents were also asked on their opinions for what is missing in the education system
               for vermicomposting. The answers are stated below by country:

                North               Emphasis on socially useful topics.
                                    Practical implementation of the vermicomposting process.
                                    Practical training.
                                    Own demo beds.
                                    More expert practical examples and good practices for vermicomposting.
                                    More involvement in professional subjects and in practical teaching.
                                    To be included in the curricula for secondary vocational education or to
                                    make a curriculum.
                                    Insufficient engagement in practical activities.
                                    Educational materials, manuals, videos
                Türkiye             Insufficient educational materials
                                    Limited experience sharing
                                    No awareness of the importance
                Greece              Specialized lessons
                                    Practical exercise
                                    Specialized curriculum developed
                                    Using vermicompost to classroom plants
                                    Detailed curriculum
                                    time and materials
                                    update on benefits

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